Advertising and the role of creativity

There are a lot of reasons that brands advertise. It might be to generate awareness. Increase consideration. Build traffic. Deliver an offer. Drive sales. Induce loyalty. Inspire sharing. Get liked. Start a conversation. But simply, advertisers advertise to call people to action. Maybe it’s to get a consumer to buy something right now. Every brand wants that. But long-term thinking also demands that sometimes our only purpose is to get people to like us. Or talk about us. Or see us in a positive light.

3 thoughts on “Advertising and the role of creativity

  1. “Put simply, advertisers advertise to call people to action”. What does “Put simply” mean? Can’t get this point :).


      1. Ak, hoa ra la y nay.Thanks for yr fb! Neu la minh, se dung “And” i/o “But”. “And simply” se khong phu nhan di mot mo cai reason ma nguoi viet co cong liet ke ra truoc do. Haha, y kien ca nhan thoi nha 🙂


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